Minnesota MUFON Group

Minnesota MUFON group meets the 2nd Saturday of each month at the American
Bank building in downtown St. Paul at 1:30pm. The Bank is located at 5th and
Minnesota. Ramp entrance is on Minnesota. You must park on the Bank's 5th ramp
level (free) and enter 5th level elevator. You must be there between 1:00pm and
1:40pm to be let in. Someone will let you up to the 19th floor where we meet
in the Science Museum Computer Center. Snacks and beverages are available
there. Anyone can attend. If you wish to get our newsletter, contact Lynn Bell at
(612) 645-9576 or see her at the meeting. Cost is $12/6 issues/year. She can also
provide directions to get to the meeting. Meetings include videos, discussion, updates
and attendee input. We try not to be too structured, but have loose agendas which
will be posted on the agenda page.
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